Sometimes, when the program starts, the connected user libraries are not loaded.
This happens very often when opening another sketch, or when creating a new sketch. At the same time, in the program window that you opened earlier, all the libraries are there.
How often this problem manifests itself is difficult to say. Sometimes it happens. But if the list of libraries has appeared, then it does not disappear.
By the way, one more oddity was noticed, some libraries are not displayed. They are not on the list. But in the old version of the program (1.8.13) all libraries are in the list.
here, for example, this library is not displayed in the list, although I installed it through the library manager. (12.3 KB)
This is a known bug that affects the "legacy" (AKA "Arduino library 1.0 format" libraries that don't have a metadata file:
I can see from the .zip you shared that the library is indeed a "legacy" library.
I think you misremembered because legacy libraries are not allowed in Library Manager, due to it relying on the metadata file. More likely, you installed it via Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library....
The "Examples" are not showing for any of my libraries.
I installed "Adafruit Snesor" group of libraries and non of them are showing, in fact my Examples is only showing the basic folders.
I am using Windows 10, and I noticed when I was installing some libraries it gave me "Failed to install library: Adafruit AHRS:2.2.4. Access is denied." issue. Not sure if this is related.
Select File > Preferences from the Arduino IDE's menus.
Note the path shown in the "Sketchbook Folder" preference.
Libraries are installed to the libraries subfolder of the sketchbook folder. Is there anything about that sketchbook folder path that would cause it to not be accessible to the Arduino IDE when installing libraries?
If there is a location on your hard drive that does not have these restrictions, you can change the sketchbook location in the Arduino IDE's File > Preferences > Sketchbook Folder setting.
For example, Windows places additional restrictions on the contents of the C:\Program Files and C:\Program Files (x86) folders. I remember seeing a report that restrictions were also being applied to the C:\Users\<user name>\Documents folder that is the default sketchbook location, but I'm not sure what came of that.