I am writing my first code for my Arduino robot. The compiler has thrown up this error message on line 20.
"error: a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token
a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token"
I believe my format is good and readable and I have counted all the brackets as suggested in other posts.
The code simply allows the robot to drive through a small square circuit or at least that's what I want it to do.
Best regards
#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
void setup()
int head, new_head;
void loop()
Robot.motorsWrite(100, 100); //Drive forward for one second
Robot.motorsWrite(0, 0); //stop
Robot.compassRead(); //Use compass to read current heading
head = Robot.compassRead(); //Assign value to head
new_head = head + 90; //define new heading
Robot.motorsWrite(50, -50); //start right turn
void loop() //use loop to monitor heading through turn
head = compassRead();
if (head < new_head) //nested loop stops turn when new heading achieved
Robot.motorsWrite(0, 0);
void loop()
Robot.motorsWrite(100, 100); //Drive forward for one second
Robot.motorsWrite(0, 0); //stop
Robot.compassRead(); //Use compass to read current heading
head = Robot.compassRead(); //Assign value to head
new_head = head + 90; //define new heading
Robot.motorsWrite(50, -50); //start right turn
void loop() //use loop to monitor heading through turn
You are trying to define another function called loop() in the middle of loop(). That is not allowed.
The code has "int head, new_head" outside any functions. It is not in setup(), and it is not in loop(), nor any other function. It will not work there as I understand it.
Thanks Delta_G for the info.
I had thought that could only be done before the setup().
Then, using the 2 pass compiler, I guess you could even do that way at the bottom of the script. Good info.