Error opening file SD library

Hi all, I hope this is a very stupid question, so the answer could be easy.

I'm using the code below with an Arduino UNO rev.3 and an SD card connected as follow.


The circuit:
  * SD card attached to SPI bus as follows:
 ** MOSI - pin 11 on Arduino Uno/Duemilanove/Diecimila
 ** MISO - pin 12 on Arduino Uno/Duemilanove/Diecimila
 ** CLK - pin 13 on Arduino Uno/Duemilanove/Diecimila
 ** CS - depends on your SD card shield or module.


#include <SPI.h>
#include "RF24.h"
#include "DHT.h"
#include <SD.h>
#include <Wire.h>  
//#include "SSD1306.h"
//#include "OLEDDisplayUi.h"
#include <TimeLib.h>
#include <DS1307RTC.h>

#define DEBUG // Enable debug
#include "DebugUtils.h"

// SD
// .csv: add comma (",") to separate different data (each one in a column), printLN to new row
const int chipSelect = 4;
String current_year = "";
String current_month = "";
char current_year_char[5] = {};
int contNode[6] = {4,4,4,4,4,4}; // Write on SD every 60 minute (every 6 "cont")

float temp, hum;
// Data struct that contains Temp, Hum and the number of the node
struct data {
	float Temp;
	float Hum;
	int node = 4; // Not stored in the addresses variable
} TandH;

unsigned long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time DHT was read
const long interval = 600000; // read after 10 minute
unsigned long currentMillis; // Store current intervall

void setup() {
	while (!Serial); // wait until Arduino Serial Monitor opens

	// Start SD library
	// see if the card is present and can be initialized:
	if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) {
		SERIAL_PRINTLN("WARNING: card initialization failed, or not present");
	else SERIAL_PRINTLN("card initialized.");

	// Start TIME library
	setSyncProvider(RTC.get);   // the function to get the time from the RTC
	if(timeStatus()!= timeSet) 
		SERIAL_PRINTLN("Unable to sync with the RTC");
		SERIAL_PRINTLN("RTC has set the system time");

	// Update current year and mounth variable
	// WARNING: the variables have String type, but the function return int variable
	current_year = String(year());
	current_year.toCharArray(current_year_char, 5); //Trasforming the year variable in char
	SD.mkdir(current_year_char); // Create a new folder with the name of the year
	SERIAL_PRINT("New folder created with the name: ");
	//SERIAL_PRINTLN("The current year is: " + current_year);
	//current_month = monthStr(month()); // WARNING: not sure if it is needed



void loop() {


// Write the data on the SD card every hour
void write(float temp, float hum, int node) {
	contNode[node]++; // Increment the conunt
	// check if is passed an hour
	if (contNode[node] == 5) {
		contNode[node] = 0; // Reset the variable
		// Check if we need a new folder
		SERIAL_PRINTLN("Checking if the current year is changed...");
		//SERIAL_PRINT("Current year: ");
		if (String(year()) != current_year) {
			//SERIAL_PRINTLN("Current year is changed, updating the variable...");
			current_year = String(year()); // Update the variable
			//String path = "/" + current_year; // WARNING: not sure what this line do...
			current_year.toCharArray(current_year_char, 5); //Trasforming the year variable in char
			SD.mkdir(current_year_char); // Create a new folder with the name of the year
			SERIAL_PRINT("New folder created with the name: ");

		// Assembling the file name using char
	    char fileName[50];
	    strcpy(&fileName[0], "/" ); //fileName[0] = "/";
	    strcpy(&fileName[1], current_year_char );
	    strcpy(&fileName[5], "/");
	    strcpy(&fileName[6], monthStr(month()) );
	    strcat(&fileName[6], ".csv");
	    SERIAL_PRINT("Filename: ");

		File dataFile =, FILE_WRITE); // Open the file
		// Check if the file opened properly
		if (dataFile) {
			SERIAL_PRINT("Opening the file in path: ");
			SERIAL_PRINTLN("The file opened correctly!");
			// Make the line with all the data
			dataFile.print( String(day()) );
			dataFile.print( String(hour()) );
			dataFile.print( String(minute()) );
			dataFile.print( String(second()) );
			dataFile.print( String(temp) );
			dataFile.print( String(hum) );
			dataFile.print( String(node) );
			SERIAL_PRINT("Data wrote on SD");
		// if the file isn't open:
		else {
			SERIAL_PRINTLN("WARNING: error opening the file!");

void readDHT(int address){
	// Read sensor value
	int error = 0;

	do {
	temp = random(0,100);
	hum = random(0,100);
	} while (temp == 0 || hum == 0 && error <= 15);

	if(error >= 15){
		SERIAL_PRINTLN("Error while reading, NOT READ");

	// Not send the value, this is the master
	// Writing it on SD, with the code of the reading module
	// cameraPC is not present in the address, the next number however is 4
	write(temp, hum, 4);
	SERIAL_PRINT("Data read = ");

After assembling the file name correctly (as I can see from the console output), the console says that the Arduino was not able to open the fileName path.
Also with an arbitrary fileName = "/test/test.cvs" it does not open.
The connections are fine because the SD writing example in the library works well.

Any suggestion?

Post the output so that we can see the filename that is used as well as the error.

This is the output:

card initialized.
RTC has set the system time
New folder created with the name: 2017
Boot OK
NODE: cameraPC
Checking if the current year is changed...
Filename: /2017/Settembre.csv
WARNING: error opening the file!
Data read = 7.00 49.00
Data read = 73.00 58.00
Data read = 30.00 72.00
Data read = 44.00 78.00
Data read = 23.00 9.00
Checking if the current year is changed...
Filename: /2017/Settembre.csv
WARNING: error opening the file!
Data read = 40.00 65.00
Data read = 92.00 42.00
Data read = 87.00 3.00
Data read = 27.00 29.00
Data read = 40.00 12.00
Checking if the current year is changed...
Filename: /2017/Settembre.csv
WARNING: error opening the file!
Data read = 3.00 69.00
Data read = 9.00 57.00
Data read = 60.00 33.00
Data read = 99.00 78.00
Data read = 16.00 35.00
Checking if the current year is changed...
Filename: /2017/Settembre.csv
WARNING: error opening the file!
Data read = 97.00 26.00

Try using a filename in 8.3 format? It could be that the filename is too long.

Many thanks for the suggestion!
I try with 8.3 format and it works. So just a letter less than the previous one: /2017/settembre.csv to /2017/settembr.csv !

Just, why it put all the filename in capital letters?