Since I upgraded to 1.6.12 I have problem uploading my programs.
IDE recognises my boards and COM ports after many attemps it uploads but its a hit and miss. very unstable. I use windows 7. I tried to reinstall 1.6.11 and the same problem.
any body can help?.
I just got my Arduino R3 Mega 2560 (or at least that's what it was supposed to be), started following the tutorials and found that I could not load the "Blink" Sketch.
I searched for solutions and found none that worked, I finally changed my "Board" selection from "Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560" to "Arduino/Genuino Uno".
This seems to have solved my issues.
Try going back to an earlier version, such 1.6.5r5 or 1.6.9
Do you have a picture of the card?
Thanks I did try so far no result. I have 3 boards two UNOs that one is surface mount and the other one dual in line IC and I have a 2560 all genuin boards. last time i used these was a few months back I can not remember what was my IDE version at that time but i upgraded to the latest. at first was working but after a few time uploading I started facing this problem at present when I first connect the boards i can upload the LED flash but when I try the next time then it times out. I tried a few older versions but no luck. I can not figure out what it can be?. when i connect the boards I see them in my devices and printers and the port is assigned and the sound is correct when the computer sees it so it all works but uploading is giving me problem. I tried to send a photo but your system rejects it saying the entity is too large !?
after downloading the 1.6.5r5 I tried uploading it uploaded and started running my program which I am testing servos connected to a SSC-32U which by the way its not connected to Arduino when I upload. then I changed some values and wanted to up load then again it times out. exactly the same pattern for my other UNO and MEGA then I disconnected the boards from the computer usb and shut the program and started again and it works ! so whatever it is it works for the first time and if i want to upload whilst the board is connected to my computer it wont do.
BUT atleast I could say I moved one step ahead !
Thank you I appreciate if you can suggest any more ideas.
Best regards
Try going back to an earlier version, such 1.6.5r5 or 1.6.9
Do you have a picture of the card?
after trying 1.6.5r5 as explained earlier which worked with some conditions. I downloaded the latest .i1.6.12 and followed the same procedure. now the new method would be, first power off my SSC-32USB and disconnect my TX and RX lines to Arduino and upload the program. this way it uploads. I tried changing the baud rate on the SSC-32U by hardware and the software from Arduino IDE and it worked. So I can say the issue is solved IF i follow the procedure described above which whilst the SSC-32USB board is connected to the arduino then new software can not be uploaded.