error port COM

Hello guys,

I am having some problems with my Arduino Leonardo on Windows 7 (different PCs).

I have used it for some months without this problem. It was attached to a an Arduino Motor Schield R3 to control a stepper motor.

Basically, there is no comunication, the port button on tools---port stays gray.

When I connect the USB cable the "ON" LED turns green, and if I press the reset one the "L" LED turns orange.

Is there any diagnostic tool I can try? Can the board be brocken even if the LEDs turn on? What can I try?

Thank you very much :wink: ,

Try first connect USB and then run IDE.

I have tried. Same result. :frowning:

have you instaled correct driver on the new PC ?
see you in device manager leonardo on port?

On my computer, in device manager----->>ports, I have only a printer (LPT1), there is no Arduino Leonardo installed. But when I open the IDE, it says Arduino Leonardo on COM 8 like before.

I tried on another PC and there is no ports thing in device manager, but on IDE it say it is Leo on COM1.

I was uploading codes and, from one test to the other, it started to don't work anymore. I tried so another computer as I said.

Can I run something to test? I have also linux mint.

Thank you very much for your help.

P.S.: Is it possible something got burnt or so? if so, how can I be sure?

I think, first you must in device manager add nev device and instal driver from ide location (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\drivers) with board connected.

I have just tried.

Pour result (see attachment please).

I have tried this on two Windows 7 OS and tried to install the board on Linux Mint. No communication. Really thinking it is broken, even if led on the board are working.

Thanks again for your help


I don't have a Leonardo myself so I'm guessing but anyway, better than nothing. ;-))
The board uses a 328U4 processor which has a buildin usb to serial port thing.

The board should work with the IDE right out of the box - if you use the right com port on your computer.

It is very likely a different port on any of your computers depending on the number of serial ports your devices provide.

Unplug your Leo, go to Device Manager, plut the Leo in and watch which serial port pops up newly. THAT is the one to use, change the settings of the IDE to that port and it should be working.

No serial port pops up when I insert my USB cable. Also I cannot choose any port on the IDE, the button under tools stays gray. :frowning: