error snootor.h

hello I have a problem with the snootor library here is the error message:

Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\Snootor\snootor.cpp:24:20: fatal error: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\Snootor<Wire.h>: Invalid argument

thank you

Post a link to where you got the library from. Please use the chain links icon on the toolbar to make it clickable. Or if you installed it using Library Manger (Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries) then say so and state the full name of the library.

here is the link from which the library comes.
my computer works with window 8

Not surprizing!

Its got this line:

#include "<Wire.h>"

Perhaps they meant

#include <Wire.h>

ok I did not understand but I wrote

#include <Wire.h>

You need to fix the error in the library itself...

ok how must it be done to fix the error

sorry for my lack of English because I am french

or else
will you have a link that works to download the library

ok how must it be done to fix the error

sorry for my lack of English because I am french

Go to the file and edit it. You've installed it so its with all your installed libraries inside the sketchbook directory.

The problem is who knows how many other issues exist with that code?

as we can not know the number of problem have you a download link to have the library without error ?

as we can not know the number of problem have you a download link to have the library without error ?

Here's a link to the library with this specific bug fixed:
I don't know whether there are others.

Someone submitted a fix for this bug to the author of the library over 1.5 years ago but it still hasn't been accepted, despite being a very simply, obvious change:

OK I will see if it works thank you

We forgot to validate the pull request : Update snootor.cpp by The-HooK · Pull Request #3 · Snootlab/Snootor · GitHub
Problem solved and i apologize for the delay.
Thank you.