Hi -
I have a sketch that uses external C files that I reference using #include. The exact same sketch compiles with the latest Arduino IDE/Decimila but not with the latest Wiring IDE for the Wiring board v1. I realize this may be OT for the Arduino forum - but maybe it's a common enough C error that someone can give me a clue.
I get the following error:
"error: variable or field 'set_acceleration' declared void"
I'm not using any incompatible Arduino libraries or doing anything special. The prototype for this function (too long to post here) is:
void set_acceleration(ACCEL_MODE accel_mode, uint8_t steep);
ACCEL_MODE is an enumerated data type:
/// Acceleration modes.
/// See configs.h for marginal values.
typedef enum _acceleration_modes {
ACCEL_FIXSLOW = 0, ///< Move slowly, fixed speed
ACCEL_FIXFAST, ///< Move fast, fastest possible speed
ACCEL_FIXMEDIUM, ///< Fixed average speed
ACCEL_ACCEL, ///< Ramp speed up
ACCEL_DECEL, ///< Ramp speed down
and an example of the function being called:
set_acceleration(ACCEL_FIXFAST, 0);
I realize Arduino is different than Wiring but I was of the impression that the core language (Wiring) was the same under the hood. I'm kind of at a loss on what this error means and how to resolve it.
Anyone have any tips?