Hello, I have a (low price) Arduino Uno with MEGA328P processor.
I think the bootloader is not loaded, programming is not possible and the USB port is not working.
to load the bootloader I have an USBtinyISP which seems to work alright.
after a second I get an error:
avrdude: verification error, see the picture
Can somebody tell we what I am doing Wrong?
It is hard to see whats wrong if we dont know how things are connected.
Schematics and a photo of setup.
I don't have the drawings of the board but i have added some pictures.
I did try to supply the UNO board with an different power supply, with the same result.
the board is set to Arduino UNO
the programmer is set to USBtinyISP
It looks like there is an connection to the UNO card, but with the check of the lock byte, the value is not the expected value.
text of the website about the bootloader:
bootloader.atmega8.unlock_bits (default value: 0xFF) is the value to write to the ATmega8 lock byte to unlock the bootloader section.
the strange thing is that after pressing the reset button on the UNO board, the LED L flashes 3 times very quick, stays dark for a second and then it turns on.
i have two boards and they behave the same.
I check also my computer with an Arduino Leonardo, no problems with that.
That board should not be labelled UNO as it clearly is not one - looks like perhaps a CH430 with crystal as the USB/Serial interface, plus its an SMD processor which was only briefly used by Arduino, and there is extra header near the ICSP connector.
You could try Nick Gammon's bootload installer sketch instead.
I will load the sketch in an Arduino Leonardo and give it a good try