Error when using ESP32 Module

Hi all,
I am getting the error message below, from the IDE, after a recent update for a library.
This only happens when i select the ESP32 WROOM board.

Do you think that this is a file corruption issue?
Do i need to reinstall ESP32?
If I reinstall ESP32 files do I loose any projects?

I would appreciate your input.
Thank you.

Error Message:
C:\Users\fcemb\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\2.0.4\cores\esp32/Arduino.h:23:10: fatal error: stdbool.h: No such file or directory
#include <stdbool.h>
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Error compiling for board ESP32-WROOM-DA Module.

Can you revert back to your old library. I have had this happen many times over the years. Also be careful there are many libraries with the same name.

welcome to the forum!

maybe, probably better to trace the actual problem than just do a blanket wipe & reinstall.

no, your projects should be fine. and you can always make a copy of your sketches directory somewhere else as a backup. In fact, I recommend doing that anyways. You have no idea the heartbreak of loosing tens to hundreds of hours of code!

exactly what library did you update? That's where the mystery begins...
have you checked that folder? is the file there?

also please post the code you're trying to compile, might be a clue in there.

Hi, thank you for the reply.
I solved the problem.

I did found that some files were missing from some directory.
This happened when I did some update ( i do not remember what or when)

So I went to board manager and installed the previous version of ESP32, simply to make sure the problem was not with module.
I noticed that the ESP32 module was working, with no errors from the IDE.
Then I reinstalled the latest version (2.4) of ESP32.
Now it compiles with no problems.

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