Error while burning bootloader with an arduino mega 2560

Hi everyone.
I have a new atmega328p microcontroller, in the circuit, and have a mega, and the MCU in a protoboard, I already uploaded the Arduino_ISP code in the mega, and I was going to do the next step, which is to burn the bootloader, but then the program says "Error while burning bootloader"
I think it is not a circuit error, but maybe that's the problem, I didn't change the code I just uploaded it and it works fine, but I can't burn it for the moment. Here are the error messages:

Arduino: 1.8.19 (Windows 10), Board: "Arduino Uno"
Error while burning bootloader.

avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding

avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x03

avrdude: Expected signature for ATmega328P is 1E 95 0F

Double check chip, or use -F to override this check.dddddddd

I found an answer to my problem which is to change a line of code in the file avrdude.conf but I can't find it I searched on This PC but nothing shows up I try to enter that directory but I don't find it as well, here are the settings that I selected to upload and burn the MCU

To upload the code:

And to burn the bootloader:

I have this error since yesterday and I can't solve it (btw I have Arduino uno cause a friend told me to put that) please help me thank you

Do you actually have a Mega or a Mega2560? Your settings are for a Mega2560.

Post a wiring diagram of your setup. You must not use pins 11, 12 and 13 on the Mega.

An explanation of this - the ArduinoISP sketch assumes the use of the hardware SPI port, which on an UNO is pins 11, 12, & 13. The Mega hardware SPI port is on pins 51, 50, & 52. You can use software SPI on pins 11, 12, & 13 on the Mega by un-commenting line 81 in the ArduinoISP sketch.


There should be no reason to modify the avrdude.conf file.

I have a mega 2560

I said that because lots of people said that the problem was to change the avrdude.conf file in
line 9065 or something like that to change a value from the file to make it work

Here it is:

That's the circuit, I have the crystal, the led, and the resistance I don't think I need to send the code right?

Doesn’t the ArduinoISP sketch use pin 10 for reset, you have pin 53 hooked up.

So I need to change pin 10 to pin 53?

Just edit the line in the Arduino_as_ISP code

#define RESET     10

according to your hardware connections

I just did it and is showing the same problem I think, it says "error while burning bootloader" so I think that wasn't the problem

I haven't found a circuit connection problem, and I think the error is not related to any connection
Or maybe the issue is that the chip is damaged or not functioning correctly because as you can see it is saying that the chip is not working, it is not saying anything about the code or circuit, am I wrong?

Your ATmega328 circuit isn't complete. No capacitors on the crystal, no decoupling.

I just installed it, and the same error occurred... Urghh this is getting frustrating

The decoupling capacitor?

Yes, it didn't help don't know why

Capacitor on reset pin of mega being used as programmer?

What do you mean? I didn't understand what you just said.

Put a capacitor, approximately 10uf, between the RESET pin and GND of the Mega. Keeps the processor from resetting while burning the bootloader. Not sure if it is needed for a Mega, but helps when using an UNO.

Ok thank you I will try.

What reset are you talking about? is it the reset in the Arduino I mean, the one that is in the power section of the mega, or the reset pin that is connected in pin 53 that is connected to the mcu?

This one.