error with constants lib needed

i work with eclipse and i try to define a bool variable to TRUE and i get error that TRUE or False is not defined.I have included Arduino.h but it did not fix the erre.Which is the library that i need to include?

true and false go with bool.

TRUE and FALSE go with boolean.

i work with eclipse and i try to define a bool variable to TRUE and i get error that TRUE or False is not defined.I have included Arduino.h but it did not fix the erre.Which is the library that i need to include?

How to use this forum

False? C is case-sensitive.

Post your code.

thank you my mistake it was case sensitive.Really sorry

thank you my mistake it was case sensitive.Really sorry

For making a mistake involving case sensitivity? Don't be. Not even Kernahan was born knowing how to program in C.

For not posting your code? You should be. :wink: