I have a problem when you import the library GitHub - scottdky/Streaming: A fork of Mikal Hart's Streaming.h library. Updated for Arduino 1.0 & ATtiny support.
Import ends with the message "Error while importing a sketch
This .zip file does not contain a sketch, check the file and try again. ".
And then the message" Error while importing a library
No library found in .zip file. Nothing is imported. "
The Arduino IDE 1.6.13 inport library ok.
where is the mistake?
Thank you
Hi @jasek06,
thanks for your report, we'll look at it as soon as possible
Its an exceptionally old sketch which is PDE format not INO.
You might want to consider an alternate source for something a little more up to date.
Extract the files and open the sketch with the desktop IDE then save the sketch.
That will save it as an INO if your desktop IDE is current enough.
Delete the PDE version
You may also have to change the following before saving the new one and check that it compiles
#include <Streaming.>
#include "Streaming.h"
It compiles on 1.8.1 here after the mod.
Then re-zip it and try again.
Server is down right now or I would have tried it myself for you.
OK here is the updated version for you.
It was as I said an old sketch that needed a small mod and conversion.
Thanks Bob for your great help!
Library goes upload, thank you very much
We will work soon on a proper fix of Library Examples in .pde as unfortunately there are still a lot around. Thanks for your patience.