Error with Timerone & TimerThree library from Paul St

i am trying to use both library in a sketch to send midi clock over usb . using Aduino pro micro 32u4. but after compile
and got error . please look a bit why
as my code

#include <TimerOne.h>
#include <TimerThree.h>
#include <RotaryEncoder.h>
#include "MIDIUSB.h"

const int SW = 4;             
const int CLK = 2;
const int DT = 3;

RotaryEncoder Encoder(DT,CLK);

int encoderValue = 120;
int encoderValueOLD = 120; 

int bpm = 120;        
unsigned long interval = 60000000 / (24 * bpm);

bool startclock = true;

void setup() {

 pinMode(SW, INPUT);
 attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(SW), midiclock_STARTSTOP, RISING);
   //  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   void start() {
  midiEventPacket_t start = {0x0F, 0xFA, 0, 0};     

void stop() {
  midiEventPacket_t stop = {0x0F, 0xFC, 0, 0};     

void clock() {
  midiEventPacket_t clock = {0x0F, 0xF8, 0, 0};     

void update_TEMPO() {
 interval = 60000000 / (24 * bpm);
 Timer1.start(interval);   // midi clock
 Timer3.start(interval);   // encoder

void send_MIDICLOCK() {
 if (startclock) {
   clock();   MidiUSB.flush();

void midiclock_STARTSTOP() {
 startclock = !startclock;

 if (startclock) {
   start();  MidiUSB.flush();
 else {
    stop();  MidiUSB.flush();

void read_ENCODER() {
 encoderValue = Encoder.getPosition(); 
 if (encoderValue != encoderValueOLD) { 
   encoderValueOLD = encoderValue;

   if (encoderValue > 240) {     encoderValue = 240;   }
   else if (encoderValue < 40) {    encoderValue = 40;  }
   bpm = encoderValue;

void loop() {


and got error

Arduino: 1.6.8 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino Leonardo"

C:\Users\acer\Documents\Arduino\Timerone___TimerThree__pjrc_test__with_usb_midi_clock\Timerone___TimerThree__pjrc_test__with_usb_midi_clock.ino: In function 'void setup()':

Timerone___TimerThree__pjrc_test__with_usb_midi_clock:29: error: no matching function for call to 'TimerThree::start(long unsigned int&)'



In file included from C:\Users\acer\Documents\Arduino\Timerone___TimerThree__pjrc_test__with_usb_midi_clock\Timerone___TimerThree__pjrc_test__with_usb_midi_clock.ino:3:0:

C:\Users\acer\Documents\Arduino\libraries\TimerThree-master/TimerThree.h:83:10: note: candidate: void TimerThree::start()

     void start() __attribute__((always_inline)) {


C:\Users\acer\Documents\Arduino\libraries\TimerThree-master/TimerThree.h:83:10: note:   candidate expects 0 arguments, 1 provided

C:\Users\acer\Documents\Arduino\Timerone___TimerThree__pjrc_test__with_usb_midi_clock\Timerone___TimerThree__pjrc_test__with_usb_midi_clock.ino: In function 'void update_TEMPO()':

Timerone___TimerThree__pjrc_test__with_usb_midi_clock:49: error: no matching function for call to 'TimerOne::start(long unsigned int&)'

  Timer1.start(interval);   // midi clock


In file included from C:\Users\acer\Documents\Arduino\Timerone___TimerThree__pjrc_test__with_usb_midi_clock\Timerone___TimerThree__pjrc_test__with_usb_midi_clock.ino:2:0:

C:\Users\acer\Documents\Arduino\libraries\TimerOne-master/TimerOne.h:220:10: note: candidate: void TimerOne::start()

     void start() __attribute__((always_inline)) {


C:\Users\acer\Documents\Arduino\libraries\TimerOne-master/TimerOne.h:220:10: note:   candidate expects 0 arguments, 1 provided

Timerone___TimerThree__pjrc_test__with_usb_midi_clock:50: error: no matching function for call to 'TimerThree::start(long unsigned int&)'

  Timer3.start(interval);   // encoder


In file included from C:\Users\acer\Documents\Arduino\Timerone___TimerThree__pjrc_test__with_usb_midi_clock\Timerone___TimerThree__pjrc_test__with_usb_midi_clock.ino:3:0:

C:\Users\acer\Documents\Arduino\libraries\TimerThree-master/TimerThree.h:83:10: note: candidate: void TimerThree::start()

     void start() __attribute__((always_inline)) {


C:\Users\acer\Documents\Arduino\libraries\TimerThree-master/TimerThree.h:83:10: note:   candidate expects 0 arguments, 1 provided

C:\Users\acer\Documents\Arduino\Timerone___TimerThree__pjrc_test__with_usb_midi_clock\Timerone___TimerThree__pjrc_test__with_usb_midi_clock.ino: In function 'void midiclock_STARTSTOP()':

Timerone___TimerThree__pjrc_test__with_usb_midi_clock:63: error: no matching function for call to 'TimerOne::start(long unsigned int&)'



In file included from C:\Users\acer\Documents\Arduino\Timerone___TimerThree__pjrc_test__with_usb_midi_clock\Timerone___TimerThree__pjrc_test__with_usb_midi_clock.ino:2:0:

C:\Users\acer\Documents\Arduino\libraries\TimerOne-master/TimerOne.h:220:10: note: candidate: void TimerOne::start()

     void start() __attribute__((always_inline)) {


C:\Users\acer\Documents\Arduino\libraries\TimerOne-master/TimerOne.h:220:10: note:   candidate expects 0 arguments, 1 provided

exit status 1
no matching function for call to 'TimerThree::start(long unsigned int&)'

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.


The error is telling you that the start method doesn't take any parameter.

By looking at the library code (and examples), you must set the time with the initialize method ( see here : TimerOne/TimerOne.h at master · PaulStoffregen/TimerOne · GitHub )

32U4 has only Timer1, no Timer3.

Check these libraries, which support 32U4, to see if you can use

  1. TimerInterrupt
  2. TimerInterrupt_Generic

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