Errors when using ArduinoDroid that are not there when using IDE 1.6.13

I'm new to ArduinoDroid so maybe there is something basic I've missed but I transferred a sketch that works on my desktop to my android and then opened it in ArduinoDroid. When I compile it, I get numerous errors that are mostly the same although there are others I haven't gotten to yet. The one that happens the most is "use of undeclared identifier 'XXXXX'. The XXXXX is always a function or as I call it, a subroutine. In all cases the subroutine is defined in the code as usual.

So, for example, I get an error on these lines:

attachInterrupt(0,ChangeOn2, rising);


When I have this subroutine defined later in the code:

void ChangeOn2()

void eeprom()


I have 12 subroutines, 11 of which cause the same error.

My code is over 800 lines and is messy since I'm not necessarily adept at coding, but I can include more code if desirable.

If you are not familiar with ArduinoDroid, I would think that an explanation of the error message would help me track it down.

Thanks for your help. I have emailed the developer, but have had no reply.

In all cases the subroutine is defined in the code as usual.

The Arduino IDE creates function prototypes itself so that you don't have to. Have you tried adding them to the code yourself when compiling with ArduinoDroid ?

Do you take your car to the mechanic and say "It doesn't work right"? Or, do you tell the mechanic exactly what the problem is?

"I get errors" is USELESS information.

The Arduino IDE creates function prototypes itself so that you don't have to. Have you tried adding them to the code yourself when compiling with ArduinoDroid ?

Thanks for your response. Being the novice I am, I was not familiar with function prototypes. In researching it, I find that maybe the ArduinoDroid is not as sophisticated (if that's the right term) as the Arduino IDE in that the IDE allows me to use it without knowing exactly what I'm doing. I was able to fix a number of the errors by adding in a function prototype for each function, however, I still got a lot of giberish for errors that are way beyond me. I think I'll stay with the Arduino IDE! Thanks for your help!

Do you take your car to the mechanic and say "It doesn't work right"? Or, do you tell the mechanic exactly what the problem is?

"I get errors" is USELESS information.

Sorry, I thought "...the one (error) that happens the most is "use of undeclared identifier 'XXXXX'..." was clear enough.