ES simple Wi-Fi coding

I have successfully created a project relating to a Wind Vane with 16 position sensors. I now want to send/collect the output of the active sensor via Wi-Fi. I cannot use Ethernet as the wind vane is at the bottom of my garden.
I'm hoping some Arduino user/s can give me clue where to start. Thanks

what arduino are you using to collect the data?
what is the length of your garden?
consider LoRa point-to-point which can have kilometer range

Hi there. I began with UNO just to test my coding. Now that’s ok, I would upgrade to two type ESP modules each with wi-fi. The distance of the house to the wind vane will be about 40 mtrs

if you have line of sight WiFi may work over 40metres in particular if the ESP32 have external antenna
one of the ESP32 devices could operate as an access point the other connects to receive/transmit data

Why WiFi?

I would use HC12 RF modules. They have better range than WiFi and are more simple to use. You can continue to use your Uno.

I was interested in the LoRa modules but they seem to be very expensive. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong things?

Yes I fancy the ESP devices taking into consideration the "sender" will be operating from a rechargeable battery. now all I need is some code

the 40mtrs house to wind vane does it have clear line of sight?
initially try a couple of ESP32 using WiFi either an access point server/client or using ESP-NOW
if that fails due to distance try adding a couple of HC-12 modules as @PaulRB suggested
LoRa which I suggested in post 2 is probably overkill

Hi Horace,
Ive gone ahead and purchased a pair of LoRa modules so i'm busy putting them all together with an ESP32 and with the help of the software provided in the link you gave, I'll see how it all pans out.
Watch this space... as they say.

which LoRa modules did you get?
did you make sure the frequency was allowed in your country?

if you are using RFM95 or RA-02 LoRa modules with the ESP32 these are the pins I use

// ESP32 connections
// ESP32 SCK pin GPIO18  to RFM95_pin SCK
// ESP32 MISO pin GPIO19  to RFM95_pin MISO
// ESP32 MOSI pin GPIO23  to RFM95_pin MOSI
// ESP32 pin GPIO 5   to RFM95 SS
// ESP32 pin GPIO14   to RFM95 Reset
// ESP32 pin 4  to RFM95 DIO0

also have a look at need-advice-on-a-home-project for an example communicating a structure containing various data over LoRa

Two lora modules and two esp32 to communicate with a sensor over 40m ? :open_mouth:
Instead of $1 tx/rx 433MHz module pair.
Hope you find them better use one day. :grinning:

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