ESP 32 is failing to send the data to another esp32 by using esp now protocol with BNO085 Sensor

I am trying to send the BNO085 sensor data using the esp now protocol from one esp32 to another esp32.
What I am doing is that I am making one esp32 as sender and another as a receiver. The receiver is not acknowledging the packet which is coming from the sender.
I am using the receiver's mac address( Access point) in the sender code to transmit the data and using the sender's mac address ( Station) in the receiver code to receive the data. I am using channel 0 for both.

The sender is not able to send the data and problems only occur while using bno0855.
The same code I also tried with BNO055 works but while using BNO085 it does not send data

P.S. - Sorry I am not able to share the code due to confidentiality

Please help me in this as soon as possible

Line 432 is incorrect. Is my best guess from the given information. Good luck.

Can you please elaborate, which line 432?

That would be line 432 in the code you didn't post

sorry the code has no line 432

Damn crystal ball had better go back to the menders then.

Cool we got somewhere! The code on line 432 is good. Next the code on line 431 is defective.

In other words the chances of me figuring out which line of code has an issue will be, without the posted code, nearly impossible.

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the code also doesn't have line 431

How about line 430 does it have code?


You're homing in it it!
Don't give up now.

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line 429?

(Though I feel you ought to be using a binary search)

I was thinking of half splitting but that might be faster and therefore a less waste of time.

very entertaining thread :grinning: :smiley: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :sweat_smile: :rofl:

Your demanding the max for delivering minimum information. This forum works exactly opposite:

showing own effort through delivering sufficient information asking for help in a in a humble way.
Still thank you very much for the entertaining reactions you invoked.

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