ESP 8266 & Google OAuth

Looking for some help in implementing a version of this project. I'm using an ESP8266 as a webserver for the simple page to generate a code for OAuth to approve the device and generate a Refresh Token and Access Token.

Everything works until I get to the actual point of connecting with Google servers. I'm using <WiFiClientSecure.h> but this always fails and I don't know why.

WiFiClientSecure client
if(!client.connect("", 443)){
  Serial.println(F("Connection to google server failed"));
} else{ 
  Serial.println("connected to google");

I have seen examples using client.connect, httpsClient.connect, and client_tcp.connect. none of those work. I have also tried all these connection methods with all the different URLs in the documentation given the various methods/devices including

Hoping there is someone who has been able to connect an ESP (orArduino) to Google OAuth and can help. Do I need another library for a an https connection (BearSSL)? Once I connect, do I need a certificate (google documentation doesn't indicate a certificate but not sure if that's just part of an https connection)? The aim is to connect to the Google Drive scope ( to upload pictures to a dedicated folder.

@travisstdenis Please edit the question to include a minimal, reproducible demonstrating the problem. In this case that should be very simple, just the code to connect to wifi and set up and try to connect using client . We don't know how you defined client ... people trying to help could guess and ask questions but it's much easier if you simply provide the actual code.

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