ESP12E LoadProhibited exception accessing instance variable from lambda

I'm want to give logging functionality to a class ("UhServer" in the code below). To make it dynamic I want to pass a lambda, so that I could use some different logging stuff in the future.

So I made a little mockup with a lamda that just calls logger->log(); ("Logger" handles the logging by keep track of sinks and passing on log message). When I run this on my ESP12E just calling logger->log(); works fine but calling it from inside the lambda throws a "LoadProhibited" exception. It specifically happens when I try to access the instance variable "sinks". I tried to create everything dynamically instead of on the stack to check if it's a scope issue but that doesn't help either? I don't think I'm doing any really weird memory stuff so I'm kind of at a loss here...

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <cstddef>

const int baudRate = 115200;

using byte = unsigned char;

class LogSink {

  void out(){};

class Logger {
  Logger() {
    sinks = new LogSink*[5];

  virtual ~Logger() {
    delete[] sinks;

  void log() {
    LogSink* sink = sinks[0];
    Serial.println("no crash");

    // Never true; tricks compiler into not deleting the line above
    if (sink != nullptr) {

    // Logging stuff would happen here

  LogSink** sinks;

using LogHandler = std::function<void()>;

class UhServer {
  UhServer(LogHandler logHandler) : logHandler(logHandler) {};

  void testLog() {

  LogHandler& logHandler;

void setup() {

  Logger* logger = new Logger();

  UhServer uhServer([logger]() {

  // >>>> No crash here

  // >>>> Crash here

void loop() {

std::functions are not magic, they're just objects like any other object. The lifetime of the lambda ends when the constructor of UhServer ends.

UhServer only keeps a reference to the function, so it becomes invalid as soon as you exit the constructor.
The solution: save the function by value.

(Change LogHandler& logHandler; to LogHandler logHandler;


Wow, that makes a lot of sense. I guess the part of the lambda that holds the instructions doesn't get marked off, but the captured variables do.

Thanks so much!