ESP32-2432S028 (CYD) board

Hi, I recently received this board. It is capacitive (not resistive). I tried every TFT_eSPI setting with it and none of them worked. Could someone help me with it? (the display works normally)

[EDIT]: This is the link to the display:

Randomn nerd tutorials just did a tutorial on that display
Random Nerd Tutorials

Thanks! I'll check it out.

I figured it out! I just had an other display, not the CYD.

I think one of my CYDs is the same like here. 2.4"
Tutorials from RandomNerdTutorials work fine. I only had to change the backlight control pin from 21 to 27 and inverse colors in TFT_eSPI User_Setup.h.
#define TFT_BL 27