ESP32 and MPU6050 using DMP


I am working on a project where I need the precise orientation of an MPU6050. I started off using the Adafruit mpu6050 library and everything was working fine. However, I needed to use the DMP for accurate results. I am trying to use the MPU6050 library by Jeff Rowberg: MPU6050 by Jeff Rowberg .

When trying to use the MPU6050_DMP6 example in the Arduino IDE, it uploads, but when I reset the ESP32 and look for data in the Serial Monitor, It stops at "Initializing I2C devices".

There's something flaky in the interrupt behavior and it gets hung up waiting for an interrupt. Happens intermittently. I got tired of debugging it years ago and just poll for the data instead. Maybe contact Jeff and see if he's fixed it or knows what the problem is?

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