ESP32 and WS2812 LEDs

I found that I could never get the FASTLED libraries to work reliably with a large matrix on the ESP32 chip. Long story short, I tried for a long time, but then found someone had done a GREAT job of using the IR control buffer to generate the data pulses, which is genius and rock-solid reliable.

But the code just set the LED state and had no other support. So I did a couple of things:

  • I added all of the color support needed for AdaFruit GFX
  • I defined the basics (SetPixel, etc)
  • I inherited from the Adafruit_GFX library

That gives you all of the drawing primitives from the Adafruit_GFX library right on the WS2812 strand (or matrix), and it works great. You can make a scrolling display sign with two lines of code in a loop! DrawText and Scroll() are all you need, for example.

I'd like to share the code back out but it's part of a larger project. Rather than making a working github demo project which is the right thing (but might never get done) and everything can I just post the classes here in case someone else wants them in the future?