ESP32 Bluetooth issue

Hey Guys.

I got a strange behaviour with an ESP32-WROOM32E Board I made. I program the board with an ftdi based programmer I made for ESP32, which works quite well.

The board itself is quite simple, an ESP32 controls a Relay and a LED over bluetooth, and that also works well.

But when I remove the programmer and Power up the board, Bluetooth is not working I cant even find it with my phone.

When I power up the board with the programmer connected, all works as expected and when I plug off the programmer while the board is connected it also does its job until I disconnect the board from power.

I don't even use code that could affect it. All I do is initialize it

#include "BluetoothSerial.h"

BluetoothSerial SerialBT;

void setup() {


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


Does anybody have ever seen such a behaviour??

Best regards
SCH_ENW027_Steinbach_SPS751T_Smart_Mainboard_00-00.pdf (203.4 KB)

Short Update:
Nothing works on my board when I Power it up externally, not even a simple blink sketch??? But when I plug in my programmer all works perfectly fine though the 3V3 Pin on the programmer is not even connected

how are you powering your board? maybe not enough current? are you using 5V?

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