Hi everybody,
I am not too much familiar with HW stuff and a little more than newbi on SW. I would like to use this ESP32C3 supermini board. For the pinout I found some different versions on the web and I wonder which one is the real one?
My second question is: I want to use just 3 simple digital output signals to drive stepper motors, 5 digital inputs for switches and pulse buttons and the SDA/SCL pins for an I2C-Oled Display. Do all GPIO-pins provide this simple functionality ?
which one ? where did you get it from ? (link), can you post a picture of it ?
Which one looks most like it ? Actually the one image looks like the other only one from the top and one from the bottom. Still
Those don't match between the 2 images, the ones i found were all have I2C where it is on the 2nd image, but there are many variants around.
Pretty much, although the TX & RX pins may be connected to the USB to TTL converter (or does the C3 have native USB ?) Digital IO is available on all exposed pins as far as i know. (on some of the bigger devkit boards there are non-useable pins and GPI pins )
It uses the single processor Risc-v ESP32-C3 chip. The GPIO pin numbers are marked on the underside. It looks like the diagrams differ only in their assignment of functions to those pins.
I have this board and it's made by Maker Go in China. So far I cannot get Thonny to do anything with it nor can I get the Arduino IDE to work with it either. There is a github link on the manufacturer's website but it''s broken and leads nowhere. It is thus pretty well impossible to use this microcontroller. It might work; it might not. All I know is some guy in a grass hut now has my money and I have a small electronic circuit board decorating my shelf.
ESP32, and ESP32S2 contain LX6 Microprocessors; but, ESP32C3 contains RISC-V Microprocessor. The processors are different, but the peripherals are almost the same. From ESP32 part of ESP32C3, I did assume that ESP32C3 also contains LX6 core; but, the fact is different. Under this situation, is it justified to say that ESP32C3 belongs to ESP32 family -- if yes, then why?
When the signal signatures of Fig-1 for the ESP32C3 Super Mini Dev Board are consulted with the schematics and data sheets (attached), it is found that GPIO-4 (Physical Pin-9) is SDA (alternate function) and GPIO-5 (physical Pin-10) is SCL (alternate function).
I have good success with mine. I bought 5.
You have to select the correct options in the IDE:
USB CDC On Boot must be enabled for Serial to work.
Select the C3 dev kit board type.
My application uses the following devices:
1- WiFi STA
2- SD Card
if (!SD.begin(ESP32_C3SM_PIN_SS))
pins used:
4- RCWL0516
Everything works fine.
After hours of mucking around wondering why I couldn't get my ILI9488 TFT screen to work, it turns out that selecting "ESP32C3 Dev Module" (as shown in the manual) allowed my code to work and the SPI pins to run (I had selected some other board that I thought was close and it was clearly wrong.)
The screen started to work and my PIN definitions matched the diagram in the manual (and the above corrected screenshots)
#define TFT_MISO 5
#define TFT_MOSI 6
#define TFT_SCLK 4
#define TFT_CS 7 // could be another pin
#define TFT_DC 8 // could be another pin
#define TFT_RST 9 // could be another pin
Since the ADC2 module is also used by the Wi-Fi, reading operation of adc2_get_raw() may fail between esp_wifi_start() and esp_wifi_stop(). Use the return code to see whether the reading is successful.
A specific ADC module can only work under one operating mode at any one time, either Continuous Read Mode or Single Read Mode.
For continuous (DMA) read mode, the ADC sampling frequency (the sample_freq_hz member of adc_digi_config_t) should be within SOC_ADC_SAMPLE_FREQ_THRES_LOW and SOC_ADC_SAMPLE_FREQ_THRES_HIGH
ADC2 continuous (DMA) mode is no longer supported, due to hardware limitation. The results are not stable. This issue can be found in ESP32C3 Errata https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32-c3_errata_en.pdf. For compatibility, you can enable CONFIG_ADC_CONTINUOUS_FORCE_USE_ADC2_ON_C3_S3 to force use ADC2.
I used WiFi, I2c, Analog and Digital pins in one application all according to this pin-out, but avoiding using GPIO5 as ADC or not using it at all because it gave all kind of troubles.
I used Visual Studio Code and this platformio.ini is working fine for me:
Board: ESP32 C3 SuperMini
Selected: ESP32C3 Dev Module (esp32_esp32c3)
Pin used
SD card: SCK(GPI04), MISO(GPI05), MOSI(GPI06), SS(GPI07)
I need to add a software serial using ESPSoftwareSerial ver(8.1.0)
I tried various rx-tx pins from GPIO00 to GPIO03 but the serial does NOT work;
The same project works on ESP32:NodeMCU-32 and ESP8266:NodeMCU 1.0.
Thank you.