ESP32 CAM Can't Connect to Wi-Fi

My ESP32 CAM (Aliexpress link: can't connect to Wi-Fi. I've tested the CameraWebServer Example, the AsyncUDPClient Example, and the SimpleWebServer Example, they all either infinately search for the Network, or say "WiFi Failed". I don't get any errors, so I'm pretty sure it's all set up right (the board is set as the "AI THINKER ESP32-CAM"), also I checked and im pretty sure the soldier points beside the antenna are set to use the built-in one (Though i've tested with and without the one included). The SSID and Password I'm entering are 100% correct, I've tried this multiple times, and I can connect new devices in seconds, neither have any special characters, just letters and numbers. The network is 2.4g, I specifically set the router to seperate the 5g and 2.4g channels to different SSID's, they're unmistakable. Is my ESP32 defective or am I making a mistake?

Hi @snerttt ,

Welcome to the forum..

hard to tell, best to post the current code you're using to try to connect with..
been working with my cheap cams last few days..
my wifi seems to not be so good and don't have the external antenna..
connecting wifi sometimes take a few tries, connecting to server sometimes takes a few tries..
curious, maybe you're dealing with something similar..
esp cam client..
just to see if it will connect the wifi..
watch the serial mon, there's a 15 sec timer, so just watch and wait..

try this first..
WiFiScan Demo

good luck.. ~q

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