ESP32 delay() doesn't work

value of millis = unsigned long ini= 0 ;
value of millis = 
value of millis = 0000void setup()
value of millis = {
value of millis = 0004    Serial.begin(115200);
value of millis = 0007    delay(10);
value of millis = 0017
value of millis = 0021 wifisecure.setInsecure();
value of millis = 0025 while (status != WL_CONNECTED) {
value of millis = 0027    Serial.print("Attempting to connect to SSID: ");
value of millis = 0029    Serial.println(ssid);
value of millis =         // Connect to WPA/WPA2 network. Change this line if using open or WEP network:
value of millis = 0031    status = WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
value of millis = 
value of millis =         // wait 5 seconds for connection:
value of millis = 5031    delay(5000);
value of millis =   }
value of millis = 
value of millis = 10031  Serial.println("Connected to WiFi"); 
value of millis =   
value of millis =   
value of millis =   //c8yclient.subscriptionCreate(username,password,host, device_id,"mo" ,SubscriptionName, APIs,typeFilter,fragmentsToCopy);
value of millis = 10033  unsigned long endtime=millis();
value of millis = 10034  if((endtime-ini)>5000)
// as ini has value 0 and endtime has value 10034 
// the result of the calulcation is 10034 - 0 = 10034 which is greater than 5000

// The if-condition is instantly true
value of millis =   Serial.println(endtime-ini);
value of millis =   c8yclient.tokenCreate(host, SubscriptionName, SubscriberName, expiretime);
value of millis =   c8yclient.tokenCreatePassword(username,password,host, SubscriptionName, SubscriberName, expiretime);

additionally your if-condition is outside the while-loop.

If you expected the code to wait this does not happen.
The if-condition


is executed once and then code-execution goes on

c8yclient.tokenCreate(host, SubscriptionName, SubscriberName, expiretime);

You should post your complete sketch using this method

best regards Stefan