ESP32 devkitC Wont connect to bluetooth Amp

Newbie here but Ive spent 10 hours working on this and I need help.

My goal is to play mp3 files from a dfplayer to the bluetooth amp when a IR sensor its tripped.

I bought the "EC Buying ESP32-DevKitC Development Board ,ESP32 Development Board Equipped with WROOM-32D Module Integrated WiFi Bluetooth Module Microprocessor Interface SPI I2C I2S Suitable for Arduino"

The amp- " DAMGOO Bluetooth Amplifier Board, 100W+100W Peak Output Power, 2.0 Channel DC:8-24V, Password Free Connect, BT 5.0 AMP Board for DIY Wireless Speakers Board"

I can get my phone and PC to find both bluetooth signals but i cant get the ESP32 to connect to the amp(Wuzhi Audio). Do I need to use the UUID for the amp instead of its name? Do i need to change it to bluetoothLE instead of classic? Is my code not reaching out to bluetooth like it should? I tried using "ESP32 dev module and ESP32 WROOM DA module and no luck.
my code -

#include <DFRobotDFPlayerMini.h>
#include <IRremote.h>
#include "BluetoothSerial.h"

BluetoothSerial SerialBT;
DFRobotDFPlayerMini mp3;
IRrecv irrecv(18); // IR Optocoupler Module connected to GPIO 18

bool connectedToAmplifier = false;

// Replace "Wuzhi Audio" with the actual device name of your amplifier
const char* amplifierName = "Wuzhi_Audio";

unsigned long startTime = 0;  // Variable to record the start time of connection attempts
const unsigned long connectionTimeout = 15000; // 15 seconds

void setup() {

  // Initialize Bluetooth Serial
  SerialBT.begin("ESP32_A2DP"); // Bluetooth device name

  // Initialize DFPlayer Mini (TX on pin 17, RX on pin 16)

  // Initialize IR Optocoupler Module

  // Connect to Bluetooth amplifier

void loop() {
  // Your logic here
  if (connectedToAmplifier) {
    if (irrecv.decode()) {
      // IR signal received, trigger action (e.g., play "short crank mp3" from DFPlayer Mini)
      irrecv.resume();  // Receive the next value

I have never tried BT audio but this lib look promising. SerialBT is for BT Serial Port Profile which I do not think applies to BT audio.

Yeah, I included that library to the code and no luck. I asked Perplexity if it was possible before I started the project but i guess the AI was misinformed. I ended buying an amp that's not bluetooth. Sure would be nice to solve this for future projects though.

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