Esp32 doesnt work like it used to be

Help me with Esp32-wroom-32. My ESP32 used to work properly... if i uploaded a code while it is connected to my laptop, it will immediately runs the code after the upload. But now, after successfully uploading a code, it will not run anything? unless i replug its data cable from esp32 to the usb port of my laptop

Even tried a simple led blinking but still has the same problem... doesnt work until replug the data cable

This is the pinout of my ESP32

If you press the reboot button does it do the same thing?

See esp32-s3 does not reset after upload · Issue #6762 · espressif/arduino-esp32 · GitHub (but for S3)

Or this might be related

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Thank you for your response. I was surprised by this issue, especially since I did not change any connections in the schematics or configurations in the IDE. It doesn't behave the same way as before. Previously, when I pressed the reboot button, the code would rerun. However, currently, if I press the reboot button, the program stops completely.

I've not seen that with my ESP32s

Did you remove all the wires from the pins when testing with blink?
have you tried with another ESP32?

Yes i have tried it with other esp32
Hours before i encounter this problem, it works properly... upload and then i press the boot button to upload properly, then suddenly this thing happened

OK I don't see it. Not sure why this would happen

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