ESP32 FastLED show() shift

Hello :slight_smile:,

I'm using FastLED on ESP32 to control 4 LEDs strips, 1 task running 1 strip.
After a while I get data shift on a single or multiple strip.
For exemple I ask LED 4 on strip 1 to turn on, nothing happen. When I ask an other LED on any strip to turn on, LED 4 on strip 1 turn on but not the asked LED, and so on.
It happens randomly and I'm sure to set the right LED with the right color (I put a print on it).
What could it be ?
Thank you for any help.

Here a smaller version of the code :slight_smile:

#include "StripBox.h"

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <FastLED.h>

CRGB StripBox::s_Strips[4][NUM_LEDS];

StripBox::StripBox(uint8_t stripNum)
    m_StripNum = stripNum;

    queueStrip = xQueueCreate(MAX_STRIP_QUEUE_LENGHT, sizeof(int[STRIP_MSG_LENGTH]));

    switch (stripNum)
    case 0:
        FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, STIP_0_PIN>(s_Strips[0], NUM_LEDS);
    case 1:
        FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, STIP_1_PIN>(s_Strips[1], NUM_LEDS);
    case 2:
        FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, STIP_2_PIN>(s_Strips[2], NUM_LEDS);
    case 3:
        FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, STIP_3_PIN>(s_Strips[3], NUM_LEDS);
        Serial.println("[StripBox::StripBox] Strip index out of bounds");

void StripBox::startLoop()
        (void *)this,

void StripBox::s_LoopCall(void *_this)
    StripBox c = *((StripBox *)_this);

void StripBox::controlLEDProcess(int data[STRIP_MSG_LENGTH])
    CRGB color = CRGB(data[3], data[4], data[5]);
    controlLED(data[2], color);

void StripBox::controlLED(uint8_t ledIndex, CRGB color)
    s_Strips[m_StripNum][ledIndex] = color;

void StripBox::addToDataQueue(int data[STRIP_MSG_LENGTH])
    xQueueSend(queueStrip, data, 1000);

void StripBox::loop()
    for (;;)
        std::fill_n(m_Data, STRIP_MSG_LENGTH, INT_MAX);

        xQueueReceive(queueStrip, &m_Data, queueDelay);


        vTaskDelay(1 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);;
        vTaskDelay(delay / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);

Don't post snippets (Snippets R Us!)

what about the .h and the main code?

can't do much with that

There was another discussion regarding the ESP-implementation of FastLED. A solution wasn't found.

I have used the Adafruit neopixel library and haven't run into any ESP anomalies.

You do ofcourse have a level shifter between the 3.3volt-logic of the ESP and 5volt-logic of the LEDs.
Without that you can't be sure if the problem is in the code.

Thank you for your help. I'm sorry but I can't put all the code.
I'll try the Neopixel solution. I don't thinks it's related to the 5V (I have level shifter).
I'll let you know if it work.


It seems that I was not using the latest version of FastLED. I updated and it seems to be fixed. It is well marked that the update greatly improves compatibility with the ESP32.
Which seems to be true.

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