Esp32-hal-ext1.h no such file


I try to find library esp32-hal-ext1.h
I have reinstalled IDE to latest version
I have added support for ESP32

Anyone that can help me with a link to this zip file library?


Does it even exist?

What do you need it for? What is it supposed to do?

for this code, wake up from sleep:

#include <esp32-hal-ext1.h> // Include library for external interrupts

const int wakeUpPin1 = 34; // Pin for button 1
const int wakeUpPin2 = 35; // Pin for button 2

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200); // Initialize Serial Monitor
  pinMode(wakeUpPin1, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set wake up pin 1 as input with pull-up resistor
  pinMode(wakeUpPin2, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set wake up pin 2 as input with pull-up resistor
  esp_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup((gpio_num_t)wakeUpPin1, LOW); // Configure wake up pin 1
  esp_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup((gpio_num_t)wakeUpPin2, LOW); // Configure wake up pin 2

void loop() {
  Serial.println("Going into deep sleep");
  delay(100); // Delay to allow Serial to print

  // Enter deep sleep mode

void IRAM_ATTR wakeup1() {
  Serial.println("Button 1 (Pin 34) was pressed");

void IRAM_ATTR wakeup2() {
  Serial.println("Button 2 (Pin 35) was pressed");

A quick google turns up this guide: ESP32 External Wake Up from Deep Sleep | Random Nerd Tutorials
They don't use the same #include. Have you tried just commenting it out?

Where did you find the code you posted?

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