ESP32 INMP441 SD and White NOISE

Let me start by saying that what a wonderful community this is. I have been reading and getting help without asking any questions so far for months.
I am a DIY Enthusiast and a software developer, always had fascination for hardware and because of arduino and esp32 i've been looking into it lately.

I have the following setup at the moment.
1: ESP32-WROOM-32U
2: 5v SD Card Module
3: INMP441 Microphones

I am trying to build an automatic audio recorder which turns on upon hearing a certain volume. So far I am able to read and write streams to SD Card using SD.h and arduino audio tools library but the audio files only contain white noise.

I have tried doing it using ESP-IDF with i2s_read but failed. Moved to Arduino IDE which made my life much easier but still can't get it to work.

Here is my test code:

#include <AudioTools.h>
#include "SD.h"
#include "FS.h"
#include <SPI.h>

// Uncomment and set up if you want to use custom pins for the SPI communication
int sck = 0;
int miso = 4;
int mosi = 15;
int cs = 18;

I2SStream i2sStream;  // Access I2S as stream

File audioFile;  // final output stream
WAVEncoder encoder;

EncodedAudioStream out_stream(&audioFile, &encoder);  // encode as wav file
StreamCopy copier(out_stream, i2sStream);             // copies sound into 

void setup() {
  // Set up Serial Monitor
  //AudioLogger::instance().begin(Serial, AudioLogger::Debug);

  I2SConfig config = i2sStream.defaultConfig(RX_MODE);
  config.i2s_format = I2S_STD_FORMAT;
  config.sample_rate = 44100;
  config.channels = 1;
  config.bits_per_sample = 32;
  config.is_master = true;
  config.use_apll = false;
  // i2s pins used on ESP32
  config.pin_bck = 32;
  config.pin_ws = 25;
  config.pin_data_rx = 33;  // input
//  config.pin_data = 33;     // output


  SPI.begin(sck, miso, mosi, cs);

  int randNumber = random(30000);

  String filename;
  filename += "/";
  filename += randNumber;
  filename +=  ".wav";

  if (!SD.exists(filename)) {
    audioFile =, FILE_WRITE);
  } else {

void loop() {
  audioFile.flush();  // force write down of data

Currently only trying to sample data on left channel with 1 microphone. I have been stuck on this for weeks now, any directions would be helpful.
Another issue is that if i remove config.pin_data = 33; ESP starts crashing with Guru Meditation error

If someone can point me to the right direction, that would be great.

Have you tested that this white noise is not present at the input of your system? (before saving to the SD).