ESP32 Item Locator

hello, im trying to program our research "Item Locator using esp now" but i have no idea of how to program and I can't find someone to program it. Do you guys have any tips on where to learn programming in under 3 months? just codes that help to create our research

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I have no idea of your skill set or what is in your toolbox. I would suggest you start with some of the tutorials that are on line, sorry to say some are not so good but many are very good. Start by learning the basics, you will need to control outputs as well as interpret inputs such as reading a switch,
receiving a message etc. Start with the LED, they are not expensive and there is even one on most of the Arduinos. At this point you should have also found several tutorials on basic electronics that you have gone through. You should acquire a copy of the Arduino Cookbook (Arduino Cookbook : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive)
and go through that. I have no clue as to how fast you will learn this but it will probably take a few months. You can also go on line at this link: There is a lot of material in small bytes (bites).

During this process you will learn what an IDE is and how to use it to generate and upload your code to the Arduino. Let us know how you progress. For more help check this link:

Lots of free stuff here, and many hours of videos. Centered on Arduino beginners' programming. Binge watch and have fun. You will catch on in one week.