i have used the GPIO10 port to connect it with the red LED, but the LED doesnt turns off. it goes from 50% brightness to 100%. Even with no program the LED is still on.
int red= 10;
void setup()
pinMode(red, OUTPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite(red, HIGH);
digitalWrite(red, LOW);
how bright is the led if you run this code
void loop()
//digitalWrite(red, HIGH);
//digitalWrite(red, LOW);
September 29, 2022, 6:46pm
There are many different boards based on ESP32. What board are you using? Could it have a pull-up resistor on pin 10?
it glows like 50% without a program. with the programm it goes to 100% back 50%
Would it make sense that the LED is wired incorrectly if it glows 50% without the program?
its an esp32-c3-devkit and there are pull-up resistors on GND. pin 10 is between 2 GND pins
Is there a current limiting resistor in series with the LED? What value did you choose? What kind of LED is it? Please post a wiring diagram.
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March 28, 2023, 9:44pm
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