hi all
i have to power 1 DC motor 3v and 1 DC motor 12v, 0.5a max (much lower to be honest) from an esp32 @ 3v
which mosfet do you suggest that is not dismissed from the vendor (a lot of mosfet seen in tutorials are dropped) and still available on jcbpcb? i Need both the TO (Better from Amazon) and SMD version
but the issue is with component shortage. i need something "common" available on jcbpcb in SMD and also the same in TO format available on Amazon, to use during the development before ordering the PCB
what i've found is only dismissed products or unavailable for PCB
maybe someone had the same issue recently and knows which mosfet to use
I suspect that JLCPCB will be able to assist if you get in touch.
You're not asking much from the mosfet.
For driving the mosfet you'd either have to find a logic level mosfet or use a simple transistor or mosfet driver. I've used TC4420 mosfet driver with ESP32. Works flawlessly.