ESP32 Pin 35 Sensitive


Working on a physical button input for my esp32, I connected 5V to a 10K resistor and then to a button to GPIO 35. The issue is I think this input is sensing capacitive inputs as if I even just poke the wire and it would say something. Any idea of how to prevent it from doing that? Please help!

It is not clear from your description how the input is wired. A diagram would make it clearer

Is the input in a known state at all times or does it float at an unknown voltage ?

some ESP32 boatrds have pin 35 wired as a battery voltage monitor. VCC >> 100k resistor >> pin 35 >> 100k resistor >> GND

Don't connect 5V signals to 3.3V processor,

Stuck a resistor before to account for the voltage drop but I should prob put it in 3.3V either way, and basically the wiring is

ESP32 5V -> Resistor like 1K or 10K -> Button -> ESP32 GPIO 35

I have the Wroom Devkit board

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