I'm working on a project with an ESP32 that includes several modules: Relay, LCD16x2, Ethernet, and PN532. The goal is to open a gate based on my API when the rfid card is passed on the RFID reader Everything works perfectly initially.
However, after about a month of continuous operation, the ESP32 stops reading the RFID and displays the message "PN53x not found" The only solution I've found so far is to replace the ESP32 with a new one, using the same code. I've also tried formatting the ESP32, but it didn't help. Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this issue and how to resolve it? I`m on the 3 esp32 now, i dont want to lose more.
No experience with the ESP32 boards. I however think that it will be useful for people that might be able to help to see a schematic/wiring diagram and your code.
So a reset or power cycle of your system does not solve the issue?
I have no idea what that means. Can you still upload to the board or is it just (kind of) dead?
remember the ESP32 uses 3.3volt logic
are you inputting 5volt signals into the ESP32?
as @sterretje request upload a schematic in particular showing how you power devices
I'm going to try the cyclical reset of the board every day at night for a few weeks, this might help but I believe there could be more problems, anyway, I'll update here about the case so I can help anyone going through the same thing.
im using 5v but in the VIN input, i search in a lot of forums and find thatusing 5v in VIN pin its alrigth but i`ll try to see if that can be one option! thanks anyway!
Hi @esguixo , please be careful when using ` in your posts. They are an instruction for the forum software to start an inline code block that stops at the next `.
noted from schematic in post 7 the LCD, RFID, W5500, etc are powered from 5V
do the modules have level converters to interface to the ESP32 3.3V logic?
when using ESP32 micros I use 3.3V powered modules when possible
using a multimeter, oscilloscope, etc check the voltages on the ESP32 I2C, SPI, GPIO pins
any 5V levels could be a cause of your problems