ESP32 Project support

Hi Experts , Hope you all are well

I design a PCB for IoT project. It has ESP32 S3 WROOM-1-N8. Please see the below link that the location purchased

[ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N8 Espressif Systems | C2913198 - LCSC Electronics]

Please see the attached schematics diagram that I used to design the PCB that has been designed by myself by locking at few reference

I successfully soldered all the components and power up the ESP module using USB cable and measured the voltage and it is coming to 3.3v pin and GND

My first question is

When power up the ESP32, does it show the SSID in the network . In my case it does not show or do I need to upload the firmware to visible in the WiFi network please advise.

My second question is

I tried to upload the blank sketch to ESP but it does not allow

Port is successfully connected

This is the board that I selected

It is trying to upload

Finally it failed


I connected my ESP32 to PuTTY serial terminal at 115200, Then following data is receiving, This mean ESP32 and PC to UART communication is successful. Am I correct?


It could be grate if some one help me this project

Thanks in advanced

When you got the "......" did you press the button?

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Yes I pressed the button connected GPIO0 ( Boot ) and pressed En button and released the en button the released boot button

I'd compare your custom board wiring of an ESP32 to a common developers board schematic.

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@ Idahowalker
Yes I got the point , I missed the EN pin pull-up resistor
I connect the pull-up resistor manually
now ESP come to the BOOT mode when I pressed the boot button
but still I can't upload the code to the module using Arduino

please give me a few minutes to upload the pictures
Thanks for your help

Any advise please

I'm glad you posted a schematic.
As the diagram is a little small and my eyesight doesn't help much anymore,
In ESP32 it has the identification RXDO and TXDO. Is it correct or not able to read correctly?
Did you connect TX from CH340C to RX from ESP32 and RX from CH340 to TX from ESP32?
This indication is missing from the schematic.

Every ESP32 module I have uses the CP2102 as the USB/TTL interface. Does the CH340C work correctly with the ESP32?

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Check the wiring for the USB to TTL converter.

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I'm not sure, but a more detailed analysis on the datasheet may clear it up, but it seems that the lowest voltage to have 3.3V at the output needs at least 4.75V at the input of regulator 1117.
As you placed a diode between USB +5V and the regulator, the voltage drop across the diode may be affecting the 3.3V,

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This may help, its has solved my problems with some ESP32.
[SOLVED] Failed to connect to ESP32: Timed out waiting for packet header | Random Nerd Tutorials.

You will need to connect ENABLE to Vcc via a 10K resistor for the capacitor to do its job, rather can have ENABLE connected directly to Vcc.
Look at the ENABLE button on the schematic @Idahowalker posted in post #4.

Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

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Yes Thanks for help

I connected esp32 to PuTTY serial terminal and when I pressed boot button following data is coming from the esp, that is confirming that USB to TTL is working , Am I correct ?


Please advice

I guess so. When you make your own ESP32 board the issue is always been you did something wrong.

Did you see if a regular developer board properly connects and gets code uploaded to it?

Yes you are correct

I used my another computer and now it is working , Now I can Upload the code and programing LED is working well

Thanks for your grate help all of you help me

My next issue is SSID is not showing in wifi network

What does that mean?

My ESP is not showing in my WiFi network that is the issue ( Please consider I am bit new for ESP )

What code is running on the ESP32 ?

Out of curiosity did you run the ESP32's WIFi scan? Just curious if it produced results.

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