ESP32 rest client spitting out blank response codes

im trying to use the ESP32 rest client library but it looks to be built on WiFiClientSecure.h and WiFi.h which are both defunct libraries. i changed the #include to be in the library files but even though WiFiS3 has a WiFiClientSecure keyword listed, it returns an error on that keyword. i think this is also what is causing the connection issues when i try to connect to for example.

Documents\Arduino\libraries\ESP32_Rest_Client/RestClient.h:26:5: error: 'WiFiClientSecure' does not name a type; did you mean 'WiFiClient'?
WiFiClientSecure client;

Where do you get that those are defunct?

Are you trying to write code for the ESP32? On the R4 the ESP32 is just a ttl-usb bridge and an AT-modem. The code goes on the RA4M1 chip. ESP32 code shouldn't be expected to work on an RA4M1.

When you're ready to get help on your code then post it. Until you do all anyone can do is guess at what you did wrong.