Esp32 S3 VGA crash when printing characters

Greetings, I'm trying to display characters on a screen using a keyboard, the libraries I'm using are the Esp32 S3 VGA by Bitluni, the GFXWrapper library integrated with the library, and the EspUsbHost for the keyboard,
But when I print more than 5/6 characters on the screen it just crashes, and the screen goes "no signal".
I have the Esp32 S3 WROOM 1.

The RGB of the VGA are connected to the GPIO 1, 2 and 42, and the H and V sync are connected to GPIO 41 and 40.
The USB keyboard is connected to the USB+ and USB- pins of the boards (GPIO 20 and 19),

The ESP ha 16Mb OPI PSRAM.

Here's the code:

#include "ESP32S3VGA.h"
#include <GfxWrapper.h>
#include <Fonts/Picopixel.h>
#include "EspUsbHost.h"

//                   r,r,r,r,r,  g,g, g, g, g, g,   b, b, b, b, b,   h,v
const PinConfig pins(-1,-1,-1,-1,1,  -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,  -1,-1,-1,-1,42,  41,40);

//VGA Device
VGA vga;
Mode mode = Mode::MODE_320x240x60;
GfxWrapper<VGA> gfx(vga, mode.hRes, mode.vRes);

class MyEspUsbHost : public EspUsbHost {
  void onKeyboardKey(uint8_t ascii, uint8_t keycode, uint8_t modifier) {
    if (' ' <= ascii && ascii <= '~') {
    } else if (ascii == '\r') {

MyEspUsbHost usbHost;

//initial setup
void setup()
	vga.bufferCount = 2;
	if(!vga.init(pins, mode, 16)) while(1) delay(1);
	gfx.setCursor(0, 10);
  vga.clear(vga.rgb(0, 0, 0));

//the loop is done every frame
void loop()

Could someone help me?


I think the problem is the keyboard library, because if I just write "Hello world" without it, it does work perfectly fine.