Ubuntu 18.04
I can't send sketch to nodemcu esp32 because it has no usb port
This is the return: Serial port not selected
In tools -> port nothing appears
Using arduino uno, it works correctly
On windows, esp32 works correctly
When I first tried it, the log would look like "........__........", but now the return is just "Serial port not selected" this happened after trying to install the cp2102 driver with "make"
I followed these steps from the file "CP210x_VCP_Linux_4.x_Release_Notes.txt"
- make (your cp210x driver)
- cp cp210x.ko to / lib / modules / / kernel / drivers / usb / serial
- insmod /lib/modules/<kernel-version/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/usbserial.ko
- insmod cp210x.ko