Hello Everyone, sorry to bring this up again but I have a new update. I just received the new update tft_eSPI 2.5.31. I copied my personal User_Setup.h file and the driver works. New issue I have is I am using tft.setRotation(1). It appears that the display is in rotation(0) but I have not made any changes to my code. My screen objects are not to the far right as programmed but appear just past halfway and are partially off the screen at the bottom. I am also using drawSmoothButton but does not seem to work in my older updates. Any Suggestions are helpful. Thanks for everything. Kurtis radkr777@gmail.com
Double post not allowed https://forum.arduino.cc/t/tft-espi-h-update-issues-arduino-2-1-0-win7/1178043/2
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