ESP32 Thing plus consumes 7.4mA during sleep

Hi all,
has anyone played around with sleeping on ESP32? Especially with the Thing Plus. I was wondering if I was doing something wrong as Sparkfun keeps saying this board is perfect for battery powered projects yet I put it to sleep with no peripherals, nothing connected except a pin that is connected to a pullup to VCC (and I tried increasing its value from 10K to 70K and it was still around 7.4mA so it is not the pullup). I pull this pin to ground to wake it and then I use the builtin led to signal when it wakes up, that's all, all the other GPIOs are unused.

here is my program:

#include <Arduino.h>

#define LED_GPIO (GPIO_NUM_13)
#define TACT_GPIO (GPIO_NUM_27)

void setup()
  Serial.println("hello going to sleep");
  pinMode(LED_GPIO, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(27, INPUT);
  digitalWrite(LED_GPIO, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(LED_GPIO, LOW);
  pinMode(LED_GPIO, INPUT);
  esp_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(TACT_GPIO, 0); // 0 = Wake up on Low

void loop()

So as simple as it is, I am starting to suspect the board itself... I will look at the schematics but I would be really amazed at its price that they built it so that it leaks over 7mA... There must be something wrong in my source file!

Thanks a lot!

I’ve not used this but …Lots on google worth a look ( Google should be your first call )and if your board has an on board regulator that might take some current .
I found ….

For Instance

This second link also mentions turning off blue tooth before sleeping . It mentions Flash memory is not turned off either ???


And a very nice video that covers it all


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