I want to use the W5100 Ethernet module with the ESP32 on the second SPI bus (HSPI).
I also use the other SPI bus (VSPI).
What change do I have to make in the library to use the second bus?
The library is the normal "Ethernet" library from Arduino.
You can put more than one device on a SPI buss.
You know the ESP32 has built in wireless?
The device on the natural GPIO pins of the ESP32 must not send or receive any data during program load. GPIO13, which is used as the HSPI MOSI is also used as the TCK. With that you'd
#include "MPU9250.h"
declare and initialze the HSPI buss. Then set the library to use the initialized HPSI buss like soMPU9250 IMU( SPI0, 15 );
Espressif, does not support the W5100 on the ESP32. If you want to learn more about the why, the internet will lend a hand.