If I compile and build with esp32 v2.0.4 on IDE v1.8.19 it uploads with esptool.py v3.3
When I compile and build with Web Editor esp32 v1.0.6 it uploads with esptool.py v3.0-dev
Successful IDE result shows
esptool.py v3.3
Serial port COM6
Chip is ESP32-D0WDQ6 (revision 0)
Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, Coding Scheme None
Crystal is 40MHz
MAC: 30:ae:a4:04:ca:9c
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Of course it might be the ESP32 Compiler settings on the Web Editor are wrong. i.e. the binary is at fault.
Is there any way to access the Web Editor generated .BIN file ?
Then I could upload with a local esptool.py v3.3 and compare stability with the IDE built version.
I had been building and uploading ESP32 sketches successfully for several months. Using board as "ESP32 Dev Module". I presume that the successful builds used esp32 v1.0.6 (I never looked at version)
Both ESP32 target boards are unstable now. With library examples and previously running sketches.
Could the problem that you are seeing be related to the one I posted a few hours before you (Strange error compiling for M5Stack-ATOM)? This was with M5Stack-ATOM as the board, which is an ESP32 device.
I also have sketches that build and upload correctly from IDE v1.8.19 as well as from the IoT Cloud web interface, but that fail to produce a correct .BIN file from the current Web Editor. The same sketches compiled and uploaded correctly from the Web Editor yesterday. Seems like something changed with the compiler settings or something related to that.
I downgraded to esp32 v1.0.6 in the IDE. IDE built programs misbehaved.
Yes, v1.0.6 uses esptool.py v3.0-dev
So did v1.0.5 misbehave
I was expecting Web Editor to use the "latest Release" i.e. esp32 v2.0.4 (July 2022) rather than v1.0.6 (March 2021)
So it might be that v2.0.4 has installed something that is left in the Flash memory. And v1.0.6 does not know how to handle it.
i.e. I need to erase everything on the ESP32 and start from fresh.
I wonder if we are seeing symptoms of the same problem. Are you sure that a .BIN file is being generated and written to the right place by the Arduino Create Agent prior to esptool running on your local machine? I just tried repeating the experiment running Chrome on a Mac, and I get essentially the same error that I did from a Windows machine, namely that the .BIN file didn't get copied over to the Mac where esptool was expecting to see it. This is new behavior from the Web Tool that started yesterday. I'm not sure if this is an issue for all ESP32 devices or something particular to the one that I'm using. I updated my post with the new info.
Sorry if I'm inserting in the discussion, but today I am encountering problems with web editor compile and esp32. It is generated a .par file in the path, and not a .bin file. So the error "esptool write_flash: error: argument : [Errno 2] No such file or directory: "
May it be related to errors you are finding?
ps: please apologize my bad english, not my mother tongue
I sent an email to Arduino technical support and they have replied to me that they received the request and that they will look into it. I'll keep posting here or in my original topic here when I hear back. I'm pretty sure that this is a real bug with the Web Editor compilation process so it could be affecting a lot of people, maybe everyone using ESP32. I've saved the verbose messages from the console in case that can help them with debugging.