ESP32 UWB3000 length measurment signal strength problem


I have a question conserning the UWB signal strength. I have 2 chips. One is anchor and other is tag. The chips work fine updating the length at 2sec frequenzy but every time there is a little obsticle between the chips the communication breaks down. If i go to another room with the chip the communication breaks down. Is the signal strength honestly so bad coz I have been in the impression that UWB signal is more powerful in short ranges than Wifi.

The UWB signal is much higher frequency than WiFi and will therefore have shorter range and be more readily absorbed by walls, etc. IF the transmission power levels are equal.

Do you know the transmission power levels on the UWB device?

I have no idea. Where can I find the transmission power levels on the UWB device? Is it something that has been configured in the code or is it some hardware thing that i can find in datasheet.

Somewhere, probably by default in the library.

Might it be this on...? Its in the dw3000_config_options.cpp file

Yep. The DW3000 data sheet explains the meanings of those settings.

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