ESP32 what is executed before setup()

I was profiling the duration of some parts of my code and I noticed there are 500ms since the chip powers-up to the first line of the setup(), that seems a lot so I started digging what is done during this time.
At this page the startup process is explained and here is where the setup() is called I understand some initialization of chip peripherals are done, probably inside initArduino() but I don't find what is taking to much.

The program I'm using:

#include "Arduino.h"

void setup() {
    uint64_t start_time = esp_timer_get_time();

    Serial.printf("Start time: %lldus\n", start_time);

    esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(30 * 1000000ULL);

void loop()
    // Never reached because in deep sleep

The output

0.000 -> [    15][D][esp32-hal-cpu.c:244] setCpuFrequencyMhz(): PLL: 480 / 2 = 240 Mhz, APB: 80000000 Hz
0.367 -> [   463][I][esp32-hal-psram.c:96] psramInit(): PSRAM enabled
0.402 -> Start time: 501708us

Why do you care what happens during a start up / reboot or how long it takes? Is there an actual problem you're trying to solve?

Hi gfvalvo, I'm mainly curious, that's why omitted the use case explanation, but here it goes:

I have a ESP32CAM with some sensors to record weather conditions that I have left unattended in a remote location, I have modified the circuit to draw as low as 150uAh in deep sleep. The first thing it does when it wakes-up is measuring battery level and if it's below some level it does less measurements and returns to sleep, this process is just 30ms but that's insignificant compared to the boot-up duration of 500ms. Depending on who often you set the wakeup timer the boot-up process is what accounts for major energy expense.

The battery is recharged using a MPPT Solar Charge Controller, during winter it can be cloudy for serveral days in a row, I have extend the wake-up period in low battery sitiations so the issue is not so important, but I'm still curious about what is done during boot-up that takes so much as the things I see are in the range of few microseconds, my guess is that can be related to Flash memory initialization.

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