I have two ESP32 boards. First board gets sensor data, then sends it to second board using ESPNow Protocol, then the second boards writes it to serial and sends it to computer via a cable.
I would like to remove the cable, hence was searching for a pendrive vesion of esp32, and found this.
Would this do the trick? Has anyone used this before?
How far from the computer is the first board that receives data from the sensors? I mean if it's close enough why not use bluetooth to connect to the computer? You will still have a serial connection, but via bluetooth instead of a cable.
Not necessarily. The ESP32 can work as an access point (I did it with the ESP8266, but it should also work with the ESP32) and the computer (or another device with a browser, for example) connects directly to the ESP32 and you can see the data. At least I had done it in a similar way but I don't know if it suits your needs.
I'll be honest, this using computer wifi or bluetooth does sound more reasonable. I was actually trying to save some work. This data is going to a computer application which is connecting to the serial port. I will have to reprogram that application to connect to wifi.
Then use bluetooth. So you will still work as before with a serial port, but the port number will be different and there should be no difference for the program.