ESP32 with Secure Boot and Encryption

I was not able to find a group about using Arduino IDE 2.0.0 with ESP32.
So I would like to know when it will allow the usage of Secure Boot and Encryption.

I'm not familiar with this subject.

Is it possible to do it using Arduino IDE 1.x? If so, please provide some information about how it is done (such as a link to the documentation or a tutorial).

It is not possible.
For that only low-level ESP-IDF framework.

I am also interested in ESP32 secure boot and encrypted flash support in Arduino IDE 2.0.0, is there a roadmap?

It seems to me this isn't really a matter of Arduino IDE, but rather of the ESP32 boards platform code (whether that would be in the core or a bundled library).

But I might be wrong about that since I am not familiar with the subject of secure boot and encrypted flash support on ESP32.

I can tell you that a secure boot capability was recently implemented for the Arduino Portenta H7 board. Maybe the documentation and changes to the "Arduino Mbed OS Boards" platform could serve as a useful reference to those interested in implementing something similar in their own boards platforms?

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