ESP32 with Waveshare E-Paper 12.48 (B) - 3 Colour

***Edited : See my reply to the issue ***

I have the Waveshare E-Paper 12.48 (B) - 3 Colour screen and an ESP32 controller that I'd like to use to fetch an image from a webpage and display on the screen. Has anyone here experience using this screen?

Unfortunately this model is not supported by the excellent GxEPD2 library. The Waveshare Wiki mentions the "Cale-IDF" project which I'm trying to get working as I believe it has support for this screen.

I'm trying to follow the instructions on the Cale-IDF GitHub page but I think I'm doing something wrong.
I would greatly appreciate it if someone could assist me.

I ran " set-target esp32 " and everything completed with no errors.
I then ran " menuconfig" but my config has no "Display Configuration" menu item like the examples on the github page do. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

My ESP-IDF version is ESP-IDF v4.2-47-g2532ddd9f

I'm also confused about how to use the "config-examples" settings. I see the Wave12I48 config there, but where do I tell the ESP32 to use that?

Attached are config options I see.

Any advice appreciated!



I've been in touch with Martin who writes the cale-idf library. He's been very helpful and I'm just leaving this here in case anyone comes across my question.

Turns out the Red/Black version of the Waveshare 12.48 is not yet supported. Martin is dealing with the issue here.
If you are considering getting the board, do not get the ESP32 driver board from Waveshare. It doesn't have enough RAM to easily display an image. Martin describes a hack to use a ESP32-WROOVER B board on the issue page I linked.

I've decided to use a Raspberry PiZero to run the project on the EPaper using Waveshare's drivers. Word of warning to anyone else looking to do this, updates are very slow! Clearing screen takes about 29sec then displaying a new image takes 79secs. It was faster using a Raspi4 but still quite slow.
