ESP32 Wlan Connection


I´m currently trying to use a ESP32 Microcontroller to send Data to a Database using Wlan. When theres not enough voltage/current, the Microcontroller goes to Brownout. When there is the required voltage/current available, the Microcontroller should connect to Wlan and send Data every couple Seconds. It works in my home Wlan. But when i go to the place where i want to messure the data i have to use another Wlan which causes some isues. It works, sometimes a couple of hours and sometimes a couple of days, but somehow it always stops working after time. I dont know what´s wrong. My code seems to be correct, because it works finde when I´m at home. So I think the Probem must be with the interent connection. Does anybody else had a Issue like that or has an idee what could be te problem?

whn working with TCP client/server if TCP reports connection failure I would reset the connection

can your software detect the failure?
if so can it reset the connection and reconnect to the database?

Do you expect us to debug an unstable WiFi network with absolutely no information about it? If it works flawlessly in your home network it's most probably not a problem of the ESP32 or the sketch on it (although you can make the program more tolerant to such outages) but of the available WiFi network.
We even can't help you with the sketch because you failed to post the code.

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Basically I use the function. I can't explain to myself why it works sometimes and sometimes it just doesn't connect. I noticed that some other users also had problem with the wifi connection so i thought maybe someone would have a Idee what could be the reason for that. I think I need to do some more research by myself and then I will come back to provide more specific information about my problem.

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