I tried with this code but it just doesn't take up my audio.
I am trying to build a DIY Alexa and hence wanted to test the audio from the microphone using this code:
But this just doesn't work. Any idea why.? I was hoping if someone could be my savior.
Here are my pins:
3v3 ESP32 --> VDD INMP441
GND ESP32 --> GND & L/R INMP441
D5 ESP32 --> SCK INMP441
D18 ESP32 --> SD INMP441
D19 ESP32 --> WS INMP441
You are leaving out a lot of details. What results are you expecting and what hardware did you use to achieve this. The links you provide are for selling the parts, not using them. I saw no supporting information then its got dis and dat! Post your schematic showing all connections and power supplies, not a frizzy thing.
The code in the github link enables the user to save audio to a wav file and upload it to a server.
But on the whole, i just want to get the voice from the INMP441. Rest i can figure it out.
Also those links were provided to ensure the product and not to purchase it.
Hardware is already mentioned: ESPWROOM 32 & INMP441 connected. What other hardware information you need let me know. i will provide it.
P.S>: The intention is not to make people solve it for me but for them to find out what wrong i am doing that i am unable to fetch the audio from the mic.
The code in the github link enables the user to save audio to a wav file and upload it to a server.
I can’t see that in the code, it just seems to send samples to itself over WI-Fi, and when it receives them it sends them to the D/A in the I2S device.
There is no way it is using .WAV format in any case as there is no header. You can’t stream a live input as a .WAV file because one of the header parameters is the length of the file, so it would have to store that number of samples before sending it to itself.